
Michael Sharpe, Jerry Scutts og Dan March: Aircraft of World War II: A Visual Encyclopedia

100 kr.

Forlag: Prc Publishing
Udgivelsesår: 1999
Stand: Velholdt eksemplar med lettere ydre brugsspor. Hardcover. Stort format.
ISBN: 9781856485524

På lager: 1 på lager

Country by country, aircraft by aircraft (from the awesome Boeing B-29 Superfortress to the Japanese Yokosuda MXY-7) this magnificently huge and visually splendid encyclopedia presents all the planes that waged deadly battle in the skies during World War II. Through a combination of large-size contemporary color and original black and white photography, the ever-changing strategies and course of the air war from 1939-46 emerges, accompanied by each plane’s specifications, speed, size, histories, and the clashes in which they participated.

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